Tuesday, May 2, 2023

short update

Retail therapy. All my food is eaten in bowls now. And I am tired of washing the same three bowls over and over. 

Also two of them are vintage pyrex and should probably be stored away somewhere safe. They are very special to my husband.

I also allowed myself to buy new gym shorts in a size smaller. Which is a huge deal because I do not see myself as smaller at all. I lost weight last fall and have managed to keep it off. I still need to lose a lot of weight because of diabetes (which is part of what Infuriates me. I lost almost 40 lbs before they even caught it and diagnosed me so what was my A1C before that? Idek)but I have been wearing shorts that fall off me if I don't have a drawstring cinched up tight. Same with blue jean shorts and my cute little formal looking (imo) khaki shorts. I bought belts but I bought them too big because my mind doesn't see my body right.  Stan is gonna help me punch new holes in them. I don't think I have a big enough need or thimble to protect my thumb when I push hard enough on a needle anyway.
 and the gym shorts I bought are still too big so I could have gotten two sizes smaller. 😠😂

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